instructional delivery services

...serving over 14,000 Ohio teachers since 2000

Center for Continuing & Professional Development

Instructional Delivery Services®

3482 County Rd 10 Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311


PBIS 101 in the K-12 Classroom

Sonequa Reeves, M.Ed


Course Description: Positive Behavior Intervention Systems (PBIS) has taken hold in many schools throughout the nation, and implementation has led to positive changes in the way schools address behavior concerns. This course introduces the concept of PBIS and leads educators through the processes of setting up and implementing the school-wide framework through Tier 1, with action steps to determine readiness for the next two Tiers. We highly recommended this course to groups of education professionals who are interested in beginning the PBIS framework in their school or district.

Learning Outcomes: As a result of participation in this course, participants will: ● Use provided prompts specific to PBIS to describe assumptions and insights of practitioners, researchers and self, including how the information relates to professional educational practice.

● Design a framework to support clean data collection and PBIS application. ● Prepare an activity to collaborate with a colleague or administration to share information about PBIS.

● Implement PBIS at the proper stage of the framework.

● Develop an action plan to challenge the status quo related to PBIS.

Required Text:

The PBIS team Handbook: setting expectations and building positive behavior, 2nd edition Baker, B and Ryan C (2019) Minneapolis , MN: Free Spirit Press.

Session 1:

Assignment 1: Tell Us About Yourself: Write a 1 page double space summary about yourself. This provides context for your responses and enables the instructor to respond with feedback tailored to your specific role in education. Include the following:

● Grade and subjects taught

● Role you are currently servicing in example: counselor, IS, classroom teacher ● Type of students you serve: urban, suburban or rural

● Share your motivation for learning about PBIS

● Summarize your previous knowledge or experience with PBIS

● List your own 2 learning goals for the course.

Assignment 2: Read chapters 1-5 in the course text and answer the following questions, 1 page or more double spaced:

● PBIS helps schools move from “reactive” to “proactive” interventions. Explain your perspective on this transition regarding behavior management

● Briefly summarize where your school or district lands right now within the 10 step process for getting started as a PBIS leadership team.

● PBIS involves three elements, which work together to produce desired outcomes. Explain how these three elements will work together to produce desired outcomes. Explain how these three elements will work together specifically in your school or district in a possible PBIS model.

● Describe the 3 different types of data used in PBIS:Progress, Program Fidelity, and Student Outcome.

● Determine ways in which the processes for problem-solving and decision making at your school either resembles or differs from the models described in chapter 5.

Session 2:

Assignment 3: Read Chapters 6-10 in the course text. Using a google doc to answer the following questions: 1 page or more double spaced

● Describe the benefits of implementing PBIS as a true school-wide effort. ● Chapter 7 ( along with Chapter 2) describes the PBIS Leadership Team. Describe which specific staff roles would be good members of the team for your building. ● Demonstrate your understanding of PBIS Stages 1-3 by summarizing each stage in 2-3 sentences.

● Describe at least 2 of the benefits you look forward to in your school as you reach Stage 4 of implementation.

● Explain how you understand the term, “fidelity,” as it applies to PBIS.

Assignment 4: Application Innovate ( Your responses should be at least 1 page double space in length)

Data is one of the three main elements upon which PBIS focuses to achieve outcomes. However, “dirty data” is an issue that all schools should address. View the video and complete the assignment:

● Consider your data collection process, and respond to all of the following in one page or more.

○ Are there ways, as you collect data to begin planning your PBIS

implementation, that you could reduce the pollution of data, or maintain true measurement ( not just biased opinions of staff)?

○ How can you be sure that all staff are following the same standards? Reflect on this challenge, and how you might address it as you move toward PBIS


Session 3:

Assignment 5: Intrinsic Motivation

There are several assessments and data measurement tools highlighted in this section, many that require the attention of an established PBIS Leadership Team. Because this is a foundational course, we would like you to try your hand at one of the tools, by completing it from your perspective. Please respond and summarize your findings in 1 or more pages double spaced.

● As a staff member, complete the Self-Assessment Survey (SAS).

● As a novice PBIS practitioner, what areas in your school do you hope to improve by implementing PBIS?

Assignment 6: Extrinsic Influence

Stage 1 focuses heavily on buy-in and commitment from the entire school in order to begin the process of implementation. Watch this video:

What is PBIS? 5 minute description and 4 main components

You know your school staff well. Consider and then describe at least 3 activities in which you



could introduce the concept of PBIS to your colleagues ( whether you are a coach, on the leadership team, or just someone who wants to establish PBIS in your school). Each of the three possible activities should be detailed enough that they can be presented by someone else. Be sure to include the following:

● At least 1 interactive activity

● Your specific rationale for why your school is a good candidate for PBIS ● A “hook” for each activity-something lively that will engage your colleagues

Session 4:

Assignment 7: Application / Implement

To ensure fidelity to the PBIS framework, it’s important to move through each phase with intention. Getting ready for PBIS involves many moving pieces to create a foundation, use the guidelines in chapter 7 to assist you in writing a Statement of Purpose and Schoolwide Expectations for your school, and explain your rationale.

If your school already has a statement of purpose and or schoolwide Expectations, explain why or why not you would like to use them ( or revise them ) for PBIS implementation. Keep in mind these would normally be team decisions based on data; we’d like to have you address these from your current perspective so you are well versed in the process. Your statement and explanation should be 1 page or more in length.

Assignment 8: Implementation P2

Implementation of PBIS relies heavily on: development of teaching procedures, lesson plans, acknowledgement of rule violations, and monitoring of implementation. After reading through the processes for the above items in chapter 8, explain your hypothetical ideas for dividing these duties so that the workload is divided as equally as possible. Be sure to include any existent resources and frameworks that can be repurposed into these processes, and include any outside new resources that need investigation. Your response for this should be 1 page or more double spaced.

Session 4:

Assignment :9 Reflection:

In 2 or more double spaced pages ( 12 point font) synthesize your learning by summarizing how your learning in this course has evolved your professional practice. Your reflection should include:

● A comparison of your learning goals

● One key takeaway from your learning

● One future learning goal related to course content

● Three or more detailed connections to specific course applications, information from readings and other completed course activities.


○ Two or more specific ideas for changes to your professional practice with timelines for implementing changes.

○ Two or more detailed action steps you’ll take to positively influence others (students, parents, colleagues, administrators, community members, etc.), including implementation timelines.



Grading Procedures

Participation /SEL 10 points / 50 points total

Assignments 100 / 700 points total

Summaries / Google Slides 75/ 150 points total

Final project 300 points

Total Points: 1200




Potential Method of

Potential Assessment


Evaluate provided prompts specific to PBIS to describe assumptions and insights of

practitioners, researchers and self, including how the

information relates to

professional educational practice.

● Assigned Readings

Written assignment

● Online tasks

Create a framework to

support clean data collection and PBIS application

● Assigned Readings

Written assignment

● Online tasks

Create an activity to

collaborate with a colleague or administration to share information about PBIS.

● Assigned Readings

Written assignment

● Online tasks

Apply PBIS at the proper stage of the framework.

● Assigned Readings

Written assignment

● Online tasks

Create an action plan to challenge the status quo related to PBIS.

● Assigned Readings

Written assignment

● Online tasks



3482 County Road 10 | Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311 | 216-406-5556

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